It can be nerve-wracking when you're preparing for your first NPC (National Physique Committee) bikini contest. These contests are not small, local events. They are sponsored by the leading amateur bodybuilding organization in the United States. You don't need the added stress of being unprepared when you show up. In order to handle the big day with as little stress as possible, here are 4 tips below to help you out and be prepared.
Choose The Right Bikini
You have to wear a v-shaped bikini. You don't want a full coverage bikini, a scrunch, or any other style. Don't even think about a thong, no matter how well it shows off your glutes because thongs are not allowed. You won't be allowed to go onstage. Also, choose plain colors. No colorful designs or patterns. Solid colors are best. You should choose two bikinis to bring with you just in case the pre-round judges object to one.
Practice In Your Heels
You have to wear high heels. If you're not used to walking heels, don't make the mistake of waiting until the last minute to practice. You should get very comfortable posing and flexing in your heels. You could even bring them to the gym with you and practice in front of the mirror in a dance studio.
Choose The Right Music
The only constraint you have when it comes to the type of music allowed is that the song can't contain vulgar lyrics. You also have to supply a copy of the music on a cassette or CD. You can't just show up with iPod and think that it can be hooked up to a speaker. Also, make sure that the music is queued up and there is nothing else on the tape or CD.
Whatever music you choose, make sure you have it picked out ahead of time and use it to choreography your posing routine. You might think it feels cool to freestyle pose, but don't do this. You want to be in rhythm with the music and hit your poses in time with the song. The judges like a routine that looks polished.
Hit The Tanning Salon Ahead Of Time
You're going to want to get a good tan. This means visiting a tanning salon far in advance of the actual tournament. You don't want to jump into a tanning bed with pale skin and try and darken up in one session. If you do that you can end up with a bad looking (think sunburnt) tan. You also don't want to try liquid tanners since they have a bit of an orange glow that is exaggerated under the state lights. The ideal way to get your tan is to make several visits to a tanning salon and get a nice, even, dark tan over a period of time.
Share1 August 2016
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