If you decide that you need a massage, you might begin your quest for a massage clinic by browsing the Internet. During this search, it's possible that you'll find listings for reputable, therapeutic massage clinics — and those that may offer illicit services. In some cases, clinics that belong to the latter group won't outwardly advertise their illicit offerings, given the illegal nature of what they do. The last thing you want to do is book an appointment at such a business, only to realize it's not what you're looking for. Here are some ways to check the massage clinic's website to ensure it's a legitimate therapeutic business.
The Qualifications Of The Therapists Will Be Listed
If you can find a page that features a directory of the massage therapists that work at the clinic, take a moment to browse the write-up associated with each name. At a reputable clinic, you will clearly see the qualifications of each clinic employee. For example, you can expect that these professionals will be identified as "registered massage therapists." You'll likely see a mention of where they have studied and what complementary therapies they might be trained in.
You'll See That The Treatments Are Covered By Insurance
At legitimate, reputable massage therapy clinics, treatments are often covered under your health insurance plan. While the extent of your coverage depends on the parameters of your plan, you should expect to see a mention of the clinic's partnership with local insurance companies. For example, the website may explain the clinic's approach to dealing with clients' insurance providers. Some clinics will bill the insurance company directly once you display your insurance plan card, for example.
There Won't Be Any Suggestive Material
At massage clinics that offer illicit services rather than legitimate massage treatments, the websites will often contain some suggestive material — even if the nature of the illicit services isn't mentioned outright. For example, there may be photos of each of the employees, and often in suggestive poses or outfits. While a legitimate massage clinic may indeed feature photos of its practitioners, the photos will be highly professional in nature. An illicit clinic may also keep unconventional hours, perhaps operating until midnight or even being open 24 hours a day. A legitimate massage clinic is a professional health business. As such, you can expect to see that it advertises standard business hours, such as 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or something similar.
Share29 November 2016
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