
Plan A Unique Princess Pampering Party At A Salon For Your Daughter


When your little girl has a birthday party, it is important to make sure that it is a day that makes her feel as important as she is. A great birthday party to consider for little girls is a princess pampering party. A pampering party can be done at a local salon to allow your daughter and her girlfriends to be spoiled and pampered on her special day. The guide below walks you through a few things to know about planning a pampering party.

27 October 2016

Tips For Getting Hair Color That Lasts


If you have decided to dye your hair a bright color, you are going to need to make sure that you take steps to protect the coloring. You might have noticed that the last time you dyed your hair a bright color, the color faded quickly and it didn't look very good a few weeks later. In order to avoid that problem, follow these tips to make sure that your hair color lasts as long as possible.

26 October 2016

Why You Should Get A Pedicure Even If You Are Embarrassed By Your Feet


One of the reasons women do not pamper themselves with pedicures is from embarrassment. Many women feel like the condition of their feet is just too bad to let someone see them and touch them. Shops that offer pedicures have seen it all, so there is a good chance that they will not be surprised by any features on your feet that might embarrass you. If you want a pedicure but feel too embarrassed to get one, you may want to face your fear and get one done.

24 October 2016

4 Tips For Ladies Getting Ready For Their First NPC Bikini Contest


It can be nerve-wracking when you're preparing for your first NPC (National Physique Committee) bikini contest. These contests are not small, local events. They are sponsored by the leading amateur bodybuilding organization in the United States. You don't need the added stress of being unprepared when you show up. In order to handle the big day with as little stress as possible, here are 4 tips below to help you out and be prepared.

1 August 2016