
4 Ways To Get Healthier Hair That Looks Stunning


Having healthy, flawless hair can make you feel confident and happier with your appearance. If your hair is slightly damaged and excessively dry, you could be making some mistakes that are damaging your hair even further and taking away from its beautiful appearance. Despite the current condition of your hair, there are different ways to make it look better and to improve the integrity of those strands while preventing any extra damage.

23 July 2018

Why Do You Need To Be So Careful After A Facial?


Proper skin care after a harsh skin treatment, such as one that involves peeling, is a given. You've just put your skin through some tough times, and now, it needs to rest. But even when you have a soothing, gentle facial, you're typically told to take it easy anyway. Why is that? Your Skin Is Still Sensitive Even if you didn't do anything really rough to your skin, you've still exposed it to heat, steam, and possibly a few extraction tools.

29 January 2018

Tips For Caring For Your Newly Dyed Hair


A trip to the salon can be a great investment in your appearance. In particular, hair coloring is one of the more common services that individuals will go to a salon to get. However, if you do not take good care of your newly dyed hair, it may fade sooner than necessary; but some simple tips may allow you to preserve your hair's new color for as long as possible.

19 December 2016

Enjoying A Spa Party With Friends


If you are looking for an interesting way to celebrate a special event, such as an engagement, a birthday, or a retirement, you may want to consider gathering several friends for a spa party at a local spa facility. A spa excursion will sure to be a hit with all who are invited. Here are some ideas you can incorporate into your spa party to make the date memorable.  Add Some Mystery To The Party

16 December 2016

How To Increase Clientele As A Stylist


Being a stylist at a hair salon doesn't always equate to a big clientele. Your chair could be sitting empty with only a handful of first time customers sitting down for a cut/color. Building a clientele will take time, especially if you are new to this profession. The good news is there are some things that you can do to help increase your clientele. See below for tips to help you add clients to your book - both new and returning.

14 December 2016

Online Indicators That A Massage Clinic Is A Reputable Business


If you decide that you need a massage, you might begin your quest for a massage clinic by browsing the Internet. During this search, it's possible that you'll find listings for reputable, therapeutic massage clinics — and those that may offer illicit services. In some cases, clinics that belong to the latter group won't outwardly advertise their illicit offerings, given the illegal nature of what they do. The last thing you want to do is book an appointment at such a business, only to realize it's not what you're looking for.

29 November 2016

3 Things You Can Do To Prepare For Your Color Appointment


Using hair color to alter your appearance allows you to experiment with different looks and styles. While you stylist is prepared to provide you with excellent service during your upcoming color appointment, there are some simple things that you can do before you arrive at the salon to ensure your appointment goes smoothly. Here are three things to do prior to having your hair colored to ensure you get the best results possible.

11 November 2016

Three Hair Options To Consider After Having A Bad Haircut


When you get a haircut that does not leave your hair looking the way that you wanted it to look, it can create a very devastating situation. There are many women who think that a hairstyle that they like on a celebrity will look exactly the same on them. That is often not the way it works, though. If you have recently gotten a hair style that you are not happy with, use the guide below to learn about three options that you may to consider until your hair grows out to a length that makes you feel more comfortable.

11 November 2016

Get And Maintain Glowing, Healthy Skin


Most people want healthy, glowing skin. As you age, your skin becomes duller and wrinkles start to appear. If you're like most people, you probably want to fight off the aging process for as long as possible. But what can you do to get and maintain a healthy,glowing complexion? Check out these tips to help you get your youthful complexion back. Eat Healthy Maintaining a healthy diet makes you look and feel better, but have you ever thought about how your diet affects the way your skin looks?

1 November 2016

Plan A Unique Princess Pampering Party At A Salon For Your Daughter


When your little girl has a birthday party, it is important to make sure that it is a day that makes her feel as important as she is. A great birthday party to consider for little girls is a princess pampering party. A pampering party can be done at a local salon to allow your daughter and her girlfriends to be spoiled and pampered on her special day. The guide below walks you through a few things to know about planning a pampering party.

27 October 2016